Saturday, September 19, 2009

Obama pitches health care at college campus

Last Thursday, September 17th, Obama visited the University of Maryland where he talked to over 15,000 students about his health care plan. Obama stated that a reform will be difficult, but that the people need to continue to move forward. Throughout the previous weeks, Obama's plans have been shut down and criticized by even some democrats as well. He continued to promote to the students that Congress needs to create a new health care system and stop following false remarks. Such remarks include the new tax bill proposed by senator Max Baucus. Even democrats are arguing that the bill will hurt the middle-class workers by creating an increase in health insurance policies. Obama's main purpose was to reach out to the younger age adults and tell them that it's up to them to make this reform possible.

I personally believe that a new health care reform is in need. As of now i believe that the United States is going no where in completing our goal and instead going further away from it. Obama's outreach to the college students is a positive output for that age group. i believe that all students and young adults should be learning about this new proposed health care reform. We are technically the output of it since we are the future. We will all be paying for it in the near future and need to learn about it. If i didn't have this class and learn about the health care reform through this blog assingment, I would have never been interested in it at all.

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