Friday, December 18, 2009

Jobs and Welfare- Issue #2

One of the many changing concerns of our time is the standard of living for average citizens. The standard of living is continuing to rise. Inflation hourly wages have increased more than 200% since 1947. These low wages have caused many Americans to lose their jobs while others are becoming very successful. There has become a large gap between successful Americans and lower class Americans. This gap is considered to grow apart as time goes on. Something that is jeopardizing this is salary income. Salaries vary on a huge scale and the amount a person receives depends on location, field, position, and experience. Although there is a federal minimum wage that ensures workers to have enough money to live on, reality sets in and it continues to be not enough. In the issue of boosting minimum wage, many people supported the boost from $5.15 an hour to $7.25 an hour. This increase would allow a higher take-home pay and would help many Americans get out of poverty. There is also a protest to this issue where some people think that raising the minimum wage would not effect allot of the population since most workers are teenagers. They also state that raising the wage would lead to higher prices and more job cuts.

I agree that the minimum wage being increased was a positive decision. Not only is it more money for the workers, but it also gives to the economy. More people with more money leads to more items being purchased. It will assist people living in poverty, exceptionally single mothers. People earning $7.25 and still in poverty can still receive food stamps and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Many options are still available for those people in need. Boosting the minimum wage can help many Americans get back on their feet.

President Bush supports this plan. In May 2007, he passed the funding bill, which came out of an Iraq funding, to raise the minimum wage. He also passed a bill that provided small businesses tax breaks by providing $4.8 billion.

Issue #3: (none done so far)

Monday, December 7, 2009

"Blind Side" Num. 1 at Box Office

This article summarizes how the movie "Blind Side" rose into first place in ticket sales. This weekend the movie brought in $20.4 million at the box office. For the past three weeks, "Blind Side" has been falling in 2nd place behind the Twilight Saga: New Moon. "New Moon" has $255.6 million so far and a world wide total of $570.1 million. This week they fell short of first with $15.6 million at the box office. The article continues to admire Sandra Bullock in one of her best performances of the year in "Blind Side." This movie is already racking in more money than her last film, "The Proposal." Things are looking good for Sandra Bullock.

I agree that Sandra Bullock had one of her best performances of the year in "Blind Side." I saw the movie the weekend it came out and it is very inspiring. It surprises me that the Twilight Saga: New Moon, was only ranked in 1st for its first three weeks. This just shows how good the movie "Blind Side" is. Although they have not made as much money as "New Moon", "Blind Side" is doing extremely well for a family inspirational movie. I encourage everyone to see it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Couple didn't crash White House dinner, husband says

This article from CNN talks about the latest news media covering the "party crashers" of a recent White House dinner. The article welcomes you in with a surprising picture of Mrs. Michaele Salahi shaking the hand of President Obama. According to the guest list, the Salahi's were not invited. Due to this, security has been taken under control and will be investigated as to why this couple was allowed into this party. In the mean time, the Salahi's attended the Today Show and stated that the truth has not came out. They agree that their lives have changed due to this bizarre incident.

I believe that the media is making this event into something bigger than it really is. A "party crasher" is defined as someone not invited showing up to a party, which the Salahi's did. The people at real fault though, is the security. They should be the one's being discriminated instead of the Salahis. The truth should come out before assumptions be made.