Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Couple didn't crash White House dinner, husband says

This article from CNN talks about the latest news media covering the "party crashers" of a recent White House dinner. The article welcomes you in with a surprising picture of Mrs. Michaele Salahi shaking the hand of President Obama. According to the guest list, the Salahi's were not invited. Due to this, security has been taken under control and will be investigated as to why this couple was allowed into this party. In the mean time, the Salahi's attended the Today Show and stated that the truth has not came out. They agree that their lives have changed due to this bizarre incident.

I believe that the media is making this event into something bigger than it really is. A "party crasher" is defined as someone not invited showing up to a party, which the Salahi's did. The people at real fault though, is the security. They should be the one's being discriminated instead of the Salahis. The truth should come out before assumptions be made.

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