Friday, December 18, 2009

Jobs and Welfare- Issue #2

One of the many changing concerns of our time is the standard of living for average citizens. The standard of living is continuing to rise. Inflation hourly wages have increased more than 200% since 1947. These low wages have caused many Americans to lose their jobs while others are becoming very successful. There has become a large gap between successful Americans and lower class Americans. This gap is considered to grow apart as time goes on. Something that is jeopardizing this is salary income. Salaries vary on a huge scale and the amount a person receives depends on location, field, position, and experience. Although there is a federal minimum wage that ensures workers to have enough money to live on, reality sets in and it continues to be not enough. In the issue of boosting minimum wage, many people supported the boost from $5.15 an hour to $7.25 an hour. This increase would allow a higher take-home pay and would help many Americans get out of poverty. There is also a protest to this issue where some people think that raising the minimum wage would not effect allot of the population since most workers are teenagers. They also state that raising the wage would lead to higher prices and more job cuts.

I agree that the minimum wage being increased was a positive decision. Not only is it more money for the workers, but it also gives to the economy. More people with more money leads to more items being purchased. It will assist people living in poverty, exceptionally single mothers. People earning $7.25 and still in poverty can still receive food stamps and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Many options are still available for those people in need. Boosting the minimum wage can help many Americans get back on their feet.

President Bush supports this plan. In May 2007, he passed the funding bill, which came out of an Iraq funding, to raise the minimum wage. He also passed a bill that provided small businesses tax breaks by providing $4.8 billion.

Issue #3: (none done so far)

Monday, December 7, 2009

"Blind Side" Num. 1 at Box Office

This article summarizes how the movie "Blind Side" rose into first place in ticket sales. This weekend the movie brought in $20.4 million at the box office. For the past three weeks, "Blind Side" has been falling in 2nd place behind the Twilight Saga: New Moon. "New Moon" has $255.6 million so far and a world wide total of $570.1 million. This week they fell short of first with $15.6 million at the box office. The article continues to admire Sandra Bullock in one of her best performances of the year in "Blind Side." This movie is already racking in more money than her last film, "The Proposal." Things are looking good for Sandra Bullock.

I agree that Sandra Bullock had one of her best performances of the year in "Blind Side." I saw the movie the weekend it came out and it is very inspiring. It surprises me that the Twilight Saga: New Moon, was only ranked in 1st for its first three weeks. This just shows how good the movie "Blind Side" is. Although they have not made as much money as "New Moon", "Blind Side" is doing extremely well for a family inspirational movie. I encourage everyone to see it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Couple didn't crash White House dinner, husband says

This article from CNN talks about the latest news media covering the "party crashers" of a recent White House dinner. The article welcomes you in with a surprising picture of Mrs. Michaele Salahi shaking the hand of President Obama. According to the guest list, the Salahi's were not invited. Due to this, security has been taken under control and will be investigated as to why this couple was allowed into this party. In the mean time, the Salahi's attended the Today Show and stated that the truth has not came out. They agree that their lives have changed due to this bizarre incident.

I believe that the media is making this event into something bigger than it really is. A "party crasher" is defined as someone not invited showing up to a party, which the Salahi's did. The people at real fault though, is the security. They should be the one's being discriminated instead of the Salahis. The truth should come out before assumptions be made.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ensuring Quality Care for Medicare Patients

A major issue in health care right now is the quality of ensuring care for Medicare patients. Medicare provides health insurance for older Americans and the disabled. There are 42 million Americans age 65 or older who receive Medicare benefits. This increased amount of benefits accounts for 50% of the federal budget. Medicare patients pay a first deductible and then Medicare covers there remaining hospital expenses. Health care expenses have increased over the years due to the growth of an older population due to the baby boomers.

Due to this, there is an expansion of insurance companies paying medical bills. Most insurers use a "after-the-fact" payment policy that results in a cost screen. There is two sides to this issue. One side agrees that doctors will need to face cuts of 5 to 10% in their reimbursements. They also will get paid based on their quantity of patients instead of their quality of treatments. The other side disagrees with this by saying that the government is undermining doctors' judgement. They do not believe that pay-for-performance should be allowed.

I would have to agree with the side that opposes the government led pay-for performance. Representative Pete Stark from California states that federal officials "do not have the capability, the understanding, the knowledge, or the training" to set standards for the quality of medical care. The government plan pays doctors for compliance rather than performance which I believe is not right. The federal government believes that this after-the-fact payment will lead to a 1.5 bonus. This in return will not fulfill the needs to cover the deficit.

Pete Stark repitches health care plan:

Comprehensive vs. Incremental Health Care Reform

Safe to Eat?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Baby survives after falling under train

This article summarizes a stupid accident of a baby falling under a train. His reckless mother was not paying attention and the baby fell into the pit of the train track. Thankfully the baby was strapped into its stroller and that there was no train running at the time. This took place in Austria were it was recorded on tape. The mother momentarily let go of the stroller to talk to a friend when the baby fell. Seconds later after the baby was saved, a train came through.

I learned about this story from Caitlin Canavati's blog. She thinks that the mother is very lucky and will have a story to tell the rest of their life. I would have to disagree that the mother is just lucky. If her child were to get run over it would be her fault and only her fault. Some parents obviously need to go to a class before they have a kid. She needs to learn how to put the breaks on the back wheels of strollers.

Softball Team

This article summarizes the tragic accident of three girls, Ashley, Kyrstin, and Afton, who recently passed away in a drowning accident. The three girls, who played on the Dickinson State University softball team, went stargazing a few miles from Dickinson, North Dakota. These girls called some of their teammates late Sunday night in panic and repeating the words "water" and "help." Kyrstin's truck was found on Tuesday with the three girls in it and pronounced dead. The truck was submerged in a farm pond and caused the girls to drown.

This story gives me goosebumps. If i received a phone call from one of my friends asking for help, i wouldn't know how to contain myself. The stress of not knowing where they are or what kind of trouble they were in would be unbearable. I feel for the family and friends of these three girls. It's a hard case to solve quickly because there is little evidence of what the girls were doing or where these girls were. This was a tragic accident.

7th person arrested in gang rape

This article summarizes the arrest of another suspect of the gang rape. This gang rape took place on October 24th outside of Richmond High School in northern California. As many as ten people were involved in this gang rape while another ten people witnessed it and walked away without calling 911. Authorities say the rape was crucially two hours long and the victim was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. She was released last Wednesday and her parents and the community are working hard to make sure that an attack like this never occurs again.

This article was presented to me when i was reading Caitlin Canavati's blog about this issue. She states that she is absolutely appalled that people could simply walk away without calling 911. I agree with her 100% and think that the ten people that did walk away should be punished as well. Throughout this unit we have learned about our role as a citizen and part of that role is to stand up for the rights of others. These people did not protect this girls rights and simply let her suffer for something that no one should ever have to suffer through.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A- Rod

This article summarizes the Yankee's win thanks to Alex Rodriguez's heroics. This 16 year veteran is currently playing in his first world series. Last night he hit an inside fastball that went to the leftfield corner for a double and a go ahead on an RBI. The Yankee's won the game 7-4. With one game away of winning the world series, the Yankees could obtain the title. They have not had this title since 2000. This next game will be tough because they are playing defending champions, the Phillies.

I personally would love to see the Yankee's win! Both teams are very close as shown in last night's game. They were tied in the top of the ninth inning. Alex Rodriguez has potential to continue playing great for the Yankees and lead them to another win. I think his new girlfriend, Kate Hudson, has made a positive affect on his playing :) I hope for good things for the Yankees.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Federal Budget Blog Entry

The main priority of the federal budget is to plan how they will spend money for each federal program. One of these federal programs, social security, is the largest and most expensive federal program. Social Security was established to fight poverty and serves retired, disabled workers, families of deceased workers, and children. This is paid by money taken out of today's workers pay checks. Since 1983 the federal government has been using the extra tax money for benefits. The disadvantage to this is that more money will be spent on social security benefits than income taxes. Another program that is skyrocketing is Medicare. It is currently spending more than it takes in. It is a program for people over 65 and the disabled for hospital benefits. Since the number of retirees is increasing, they estimate that the fund will be gone by 2019. Some people believe that a change needs to occur and others believe that the system will keep going without change. The people who believe there needs to be a change say that the program is offering retiree's more than what it can afford to give. They believe that private investments should be offered as well as minimum benefits for everyone. The other view states that the social security program has become a well known program for retiree's and should stay like that. They believe that the people who enter the program pay and in return should receive benefits.

I stand in firm belief that America needs to make a major change in the program of social security. Social security was not intended for a retiree's program, but instead to decrease poverty. Over the years it has become a benefit dealer and by 2017 the federal government will be spending more on these benefits than it receives in income taxes, which pay for the benefits of social security. Changes must occur in order to save the program, like cutting back benefits and giving to Americans only in desperate need. Back in 2005, President Bush did promote an idea that Americans could have the option of diverting their social security payroll to private investments so they would be promised benefits. Citizens and legislatures rejected the idea and the idea was not played out.

The War on Iraq
Pay As You Go

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Worldwide Muslims

According to the recently new poll of the amount of Muslims in the world, it turns out that 1.57 billion Muslims. That is one in four people worldwide. Indonesia and Pakistan rank among the top countries with the most Muslims. Also India has more Muslims than any other country except these two. Two out of three Muslims live in Asia stretching from Turkey to Indonesia. Why is this important to the U.S.? It shows the increasing rise of Muslims and teaches us that we need to learn this religion. As of 2005, 2.25 billion Christians worldwide with Muslims ranked in the second religion. Our country has been based off of Christianity, but as a worldwide nation we should learn the basics of other religions as well.

It's surprising to know that the religion of Muslim is rising so rapidly. The next poll going to be taken is the religion of Christianity. i hope to see that that as well is rising. i do think it is important to understand the ways of the Muslim society and as well as for them to understand the Christian ways. As a united world it is a priority to understand one's knowledge in order to be a successful world.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Senate panel rejects GOP bid to strengthen abortion provision

The Senate Finance Committee recentely defeated the amendments proposed by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah. The amendments proposed that the current ban on federal funding for abortion would continue except for rape victims and dangered mothers. It also proposed that the government could not pressure any hospital or doctor to go against there beliefs and perform an abortion. Democratic Senator Kent Conrad from North Dakota and Republican Senator Olympia Snowe from Maine were the two people to vote against these amendments. They argued that it would lead to new restriction rights and that it discriminated against woman's rights.

Although I do believe that we need to accomplish something about abortion, I do not think these amendments are heading us into the right direction. I'm glad to hear that Senator Orrin Hatch is continuing to propose differnts ammendments and that he is not giving up this issue yet.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Paul Kirk to fill Kennedy's Senate seat

Since the death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, sources have said that Paul Kirk is to take his place. Kirk has been a longtime friend and co worker of Kennedy since the 1980s. Although the facts have not been stated true, one of the Kennedy's family friends told CNN that they would prefer no one else than Kirk to take the place of Kennedy. He is to announce is acceptance for the Senate seat at 11 a.m. today, thursday September 24th, at the Statehouse in Boston. Lawmakers in Massachusets voted last Wednesday to have Kirk fill the senate seat for Kennedy. As of now the measure will not be in effect for anouther 90 days unless two thirds of the house senate vote to bypass the amount of days.

After reading the article about Kirk and about his backround, I think he would be a great senator. Knowing that he is a family friend of the Kennedy's and Edwards co worker for many years, you know that he is a dependable person. The death of Kennedy was trajic and the nation is sad to see a wonderful senator die, but i do believe that Kirk can bring to the table just as much as Kennedy did. THey were great friends and they might even be close to the same type of people.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Obama pitches health care at college campus

Last Thursday, September 17th, Obama visited the University of Maryland where he talked to over 15,000 students about his health care plan. Obama stated that a reform will be difficult, but that the people need to continue to move forward. Throughout the previous weeks, Obama's plans have been shut down and criticized by even some democrats as well. He continued to promote to the students that Congress needs to create a new health care system and stop following false remarks. Such remarks include the new tax bill proposed by senator Max Baucus. Even democrats are arguing that the bill will hurt the middle-class workers by creating an increase in health insurance policies. Obama's main purpose was to reach out to the younger age adults and tell them that it's up to them to make this reform possible.

I personally believe that a new health care reform is in need. As of now i believe that the United States is going no where in completing our goal and instead going further away from it. Obama's outreach to the college students is a positive output for that age group. i believe that all students and young adults should be learning about this new proposed health care reform. We are technically the output of it since we are the future. We will all be paying for it in the near future and need to learn about it. If i didn't have this class and learn about the health care reform through this blog assingment, I would have never been interested in it at all.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obama tries to take back health care debate

On Saturday September 12th, President Obama spoke at the Target Center in Minnesota to outreach about his health care debate. While he was away from the White House, many people protested in Washington, D.C. arguing that Obama was a liar. Obama urged the people through his speech on Saturday that his main obligation is to work with the republicans to find a proposal to our health care dillema. Obama also stated that he is always open to new ideas but is not going to waste his time with ideas that bring the proposal down.

Republicans tend to disagree with that statement though. Many issues have came up about Obama being paid lip service to agree with the Republican ideas and in the end, Obama ended up rejecting them. People argue that Obama is not trying to bring the two parties together. I believe that we need a new health care reform and that we need to focus the two parties together as one, taking issues and ideas from both sides. I think the freedom to choose between physician and patient is a key issue as well as the private company versus goverment spending. I feel as if Obama's plan has become a free ride for a majority of people and many people with jobs have been losing them in return.