Monday, January 11, 2010

Murder trial shines national debate on abortion

On May 20th, 2009, Dr. George Tiller was shot in the head and killed during a Sunday morning church service. The defendant is Scott Roeder and claims that his reason for shooting Tiller was because he undergone many last minute abortions at the Wichita Clinic since 1973. His excuse was so he could save the possible thousands of babies from being murdered. The known trial has become a major debate and is becoming focused on the issue of abortion. If Roeder were to face first degree murder, he would face life in prison. The jury might also be given the opportunity to convict Roeder of voluntary manslaughter which means that the crime was unreasonable but an honest belief.

Abortion has become a major debate in today's world and has lead to a doctor who practices it to become shot and killed. I believe that abortion is not right but I also believe that murder is not right. No matter who the person was or what that victim did for a living, no one deserves to have their life taken from them. By Roeder killing Dr. Tiller, he did just as bad a crime as Tiller did, the act of murder. No one should be convinced to kill, whether the person is born or not. It is God's choice to judge and that is left up to Him.

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